You know, everytime I want a day to be happy, which is that there won't be any arguments of any sort, there will most definitely be one. I had to go for a school camp, so i was trying to make the day before the camp a happy day so i could enjoy my camp more. That feeling you get when you know everything is settled before you do something, really makes you enjoy better what you don't feel like enjoying. Tomorrow, I'm going to Taiwan for a trip. So i wanted to settle everything before I take off tomorrow. I wanted to make sure he was comfortable and was alright, everything went well...until 5pm.
He started up about the topic of trust again. I'm so damn sick of this issue. See, I trust him, and I can assure you that. But he assumes that I don't. Know why? Just coz I don't want to satisfy him in a certain aspect. I don't want, I cannot, and I HATE it. Absolutely NO. And he was then complaining that I don't trust him at all and always always think of the worst case. So i once again informed him nicely that I won't, and if he really needed it, he could go look for one of his friends. And then, he started saying that i don't even trust him at all, since I told him to go look for one of his friends and I knew that he would never do that?
Woah? Off-topic sial...Are we talking about trust or are we talking about that certain aspect? The certain aspect, of course. Don't really know why he just accuses me all the time that I don't trust him. What's with the I-Love-Yous, then later accusing me of not trusting? I mean, it makes no sense. I am trying so hard to explain things clearly, so hard to convince him that I really love him and i definitely trust him... But he just... Sighs... He just doesn't listen to me...
I wasted 75% on my smses trying to explain to him, and on arguments, and my smses exceeded by more than 200. Seriously, I think these smses should be put to good use. Instead of arguments, they should be spent on sending encouraging and assuring smses, not on quarrels and ridiculous arguments and assumptions and insults. Why can't he be nicer to me? I am a girl, afterall... I really don't see the point why I must waste my time thinking of how to get him to believe the truth, when the truth is in what I say... Why must I be the only one who is always trying to make him trust me... And why must I be the only one who has to work so hard just so I can be with him?
I love him, really. I trust him. Please, can we not argue anymore? Can you please, please stop making false assumptions and making me try so hard to get you to think otherwise? Please, my mind is tired... I don't want to think anymore... My mind has had enough of thinking up ways to let you see the truth... Please, have mercy....
it's 5:21 PM now on Friday, November 23, 2007

Camp details for 21 November21 November only lasted till 5.30pm. We woke up at about 6.45am or so, and supposed to meet at the track. Gel, Cheryl and I were a little late, along with a few others. Nothing happened, anyway. Turns out they were doing the mass dance. After that, we had the council Kenneth go up to lead in warm ups, which frankly speaking, isn't exactly enjoyable, nor is it useful in any way. Hated it.
We were then sent to run one round around the track. And it wasn't enjoyable as well. When we finished one round, seniors complained that oh, we weren't running as a group, so we bloody had to run another round. It was disgusting. After we finished out second round, food isn't here yet, so they played the toss-the-basketball game again. This is to determine who gets to get the food first later for breakfast (it's buffet style). OBVIOUSLY, the guys won. We girls got the ball first, but some idiot guy snatched it away just like that. Guys... *shakes head* After that, we girls just stood around, commenting that guys in our school should go for some gentlemanliness course or something. Oh, and there was one gal who tried to get the ball out but failed. Sad.
When food isn't here yet, we played the captain game. The one where someone commands, and the grp of people must do certain actions? Captain on the deck requires 1 person, Ships ahoy requires 2, Man overboard requires 3, Mass Hall requires 4, and row boat requires 5. I lasted quite long, alternating between Mong's gang and Darryl's pair. When there's man overboard, Johannes and Darryl will just like run over and 'kope'...Lol. In the end, lost also. And then, everybody did Mass dance, and after that was done, went to eat breakfast. We let the guys go first.
Breakfast was seriously good. For the first round, they restricted us to how much add-ons we could take, but after eveybody had their share, it was freeflow. The milo was weird, anyway, i tasted like there was tea in it. After breakfast was project proposal firming time, and we all went off to either slack or do serious work. Our group's was mainly done so we played.
Oh yes, before we played, we just chatted around in the canteen. When suddenly! The security guard came! YES!!! ROBIN ANG the security guard! He just strolled over, opened all the covered up food, conveniently grabbed a plate, and took the food! He stacked his plate with beehoon and noodle till is was like...approximately 6 cm off the base of the plate! Then he grabbed more add-ons, and added to the plate! Like..OMG! We all stared at him like...wth!??! Even stanley was shocked. Even Chui Yi, even Mitchell! Lol. And guess what, he went for seconds. O_O
Bball was slackish, for me, that is. I hate ball games. I just hate balls. (Sounds weird but yea.) The only balls that i like are the rubber ones that bounce really high when u throw, and they bounce all around and you can't catch them, those balls. Human balls? No way. I hate 'em. Halfway through the game, i walked off the court and just went to the sleeping quarters, and slept on the floor for awhile. Then went to the canteen, met with comm members, and proceeded to staff room conference room for our final presentation. Just that, we were stuck outside the conference room coz we thought we had to queue up to get in. So did another group. We lined both sides of the corridor. Jonathan (aka J.T.) was so tired, he fell asleep right there. Too bad, he was in between Mitchell, Lux and Stanley (i was diagonally opposite him). He fell asleep with his mouth open, and Lux was so mean, he took JT's phone, and stuffed the handphone strap thingo into his mouth! ><
We just sat there...and then, a whole grp of people appeared saying 'Lunch time!' And we were blur, so we just followed them out to eat lunch. After lunch, Unity cleared up, and went to conference room again. Set up our laptops and such, prepared a little and waited...and waited..and waited for the teachers to come in. They were damn late. Meanwhile, Stanley was scaring us by always exiting the room, then coming in again with a surprise element. We all thought it was really the teachers la! Then i had to go out to use the washroom, and stanley was kind enough to wait for me at the door to open the door for me when i returned. When we went back to the room, we synchro, and opened both doors at the same time, shocking the crap out of the people. But in the end, we were a bunch of happy people as the teachers eventually came and we presented.
After that, water games! It was really chaotic. Plus, it was raining. I was there tying water bombs with those da-bao plastic bags. And Stanley poured the whole bucket of water on me...making me all wet and shivery. Mitchell tied three bombs together and called it cluster bomb. He then tied two together, and called it the NUTS BOMB. Go figure. It was very very chaotic. And it ended up being a normal water bombing session. I just went off after clearing up a little. Picked up my jacket, wallet and phone where i left it. Sad to say, it was so chaotic, they wet my jacket too...Sigh... I cried.
Went to quickly grab my shower stuff and went for a shower. We had a short break, and then packed our bags, and then heading to the theatrette. First part was just an overview of the presentations we had earlier. Then we had a photo montage thing, with Gregory and gang doing live commentary. They played music, which repeated itself over n over again. Photos weren't splendid, but nice. And funny! We then did the mass dance again. Lol. Ended with a photo taking session with everybody in. And camp was officially over.
Crap, i spent about half an hour in the ladies' after the whole thing. DRYING MY STUPID WET JACKET. Pissed. But happy that we had such good times in the camp! and that's it!
it's 10:47 PM now on Thursday, November 22, 2007

Pre-Orientation Camp
So...I was at pre-orientation camp for Orientation '08, on the 20 and 21 November 2007. My committee is the Unity and Bonding Activity. A.k.a, Unity!
20 NovemberWent to school at about 9am to gather and have some briefing. Then, we went to put our stuff down in our sleeping quarters. For the girls, we sleep in the history and geography classrooms. And guys were 1 level up. But lol, dude, the 1st level has guys toilets, and the 2nd level has girls toilets! save us the trouble, we just used the toilets that were on our level la. Like...piang eh, must climb stairs just to use toilet meh!?
Then, after settling down and all that, we went to the hall to play a game called psychologist. It was damn funny. Hahas. And the next game was guys vs girls. They will throw a basketball, and the point is to like, throw the ball around or something, and after two minutes, the team holding onto the ball wins. And lol, these kind of game...It's obvious which side will win rite... Yea, so at first, girls got the ball, then it was snatched away. Then, the guys went to build a human shield around the guy with the ball....And we were like, cheh... But NO~ the ball came flying out again!!! We gals went to catch it and did the same thing the guys did, and so, we won! But we didn't win anything, really. Turns out Eugene was the one who kope the ball and threw it to the girls~ And the guys were like jokingly pissed with him.
And after that game was done, we all learnt the mass dance. Here's a hint, it's cooler than last year's! I think, you guys will enjoy the dance~ Serious kay... We all learnt it fast and did it well. And rmb, i told you Eugene sabo-ed the guys? Yea, they chose him to go up to lead the mass dance to 'punish' him. Lolzzzz....
After that, we had lunch, which was basically basic. Rice, veggies, fish. No drink, no fruit. But it was enjoyable coz we ate as a group and we were reaaaaally hungry. We then prepared to go for dragin boating! Ying Zhen said we were supposed to just take a rinse at the facilities there, but we brought along our soaps as well. Had a bad time before that though. Did cry at lunch but was looking down so i hope nobody sees it.
We then took a bus to Kallang Water Sports center, on a super empty bus. We thought we were like supposed to take the other bus, so we went up and it turned out they squeezed the other people in the other 2 buses. And we, got the whole bus to ourselves! Plus YingZhen, EeLeng, and Ms Koh... Someone hung up on me on the phone, so was quite moody throughout the journey...But i hid it quite well, i guess. Switched my phone off to prevent further distractions...This camp is serious business you know, not a place or time for me to emo!
On the journey, Stanley shouted out loud, "BABE!" And he was referring to me. He has been calling me that since Sem 2 and it is so damn irritating! And he refuses to stop. Dang, the whole bus heard it and i was like *hides!* And the whole freaking bus laughed! T-T Bully meeeeee! Oh, and then, LuXin started calling me that! Argh! And he came over, sat beside me (while i was hiding my face). So i turned, and i saw this scary guy beside me, and i screamed for a second, and he said, "Hi babe!" And i went "Noooooooooo!!!!!" Too late, the whole bus started cheering, and Ee Leng came over with her camera to try to take picture of us. OBVIOUSLY, I was hiding my face.
Arrived! And we had a short briefing again, on draogn boating. And OBVIOUSLY, Unity had the most unity and we organized ourselves quick and precise(according to weight. Stanley paired with Mitchell). We got onto out boat first! Yay! We had 2 instructors, Poh Chun(PC) and Jeremy (both guys.), and our boat was cool! At first, the boat tilted to one side...Know why? Yep. STANLEY! Hahas, and throughout the first part of boating, we all shouted "Wooooooooi, Stanlehhhhh!" Coz he made the boat unbalanced. And PC eventually knew his name.
Rowed out into the middle and had yet another recap of briefing. Also, standardised rowing pattern, counting, and replies. When PC says hello, we reply "Helllllooooohh~", and when he says "Paddles up!" we reply "Shut up!" Hahas, that really attracted alot alot of attention. After basic rowing, we then had some fun, and PC picked up the container, filled it with salty kallang water, and drenched us all...Dear me...Mean PC! And the real fun begins...
PC told us to put our feet into the water, like dangle our feet out of the boat...and our feet in the water. Then, we ROCK! No no in, rock the side to side? Get it...? Yea...(Oh, we rock, we know!) It was freakin' scary, coz water gets into the boat and when it rocks, the water come up till our knees and it's tilting badly. And after round 1, there was round 2, where we aren't supposed to hold onto anything! Dude, no joke kay... That was damn scary.
Next up, higher difficulty! We had to put our butts on the 'rail' of the boat(where we hung our legs)....and...ROCK! This is scarier...Wahhh... But of coz, our feet are in the boat this time. It felt like we were gonna fall over, and similarly, hand cannot hold onto anything. Stanley fell into the river!!! Lol~ We all had a gooood laugh! If you think that was funny, check this out!
LUXIN FELL IN TWICE!!!!!!!!!! We had more laughs.
And after that was done, we had a dragod boat race! Yayness~ We were united! And we were chanting PC! PC! (to keep time and pace) while we synchro and rowed to the end. Although we had relatively little manpower, we got 2nd! Yay~ Cheers for Unity~! Cheers for PC! Cheers for Jeremy!
But that was the end of our activities...Aww...We rafted together, all the boats clustered together, and took many photos. The direction changers at the back of the boat had to rotate and rotate to get different angles on the camera, funny! And the phototaking crew yelled "Instructors catwalk!" but all of them were like "dun want la...dun want...". And PC was super enthu, he pulled out his singlet strap from under his safety vest and screamed, "Dun want la~~~" LOL!!! And then, back to shore, shower, and went back to sch. Solitary journey.
We rested in our sleeping quarters, and i took out my notebook, penning down my thoughts...Seriously emo that time, had to relieve a little... Felt alot better after that, though there was still that heavy aching feeling in my heart. Went for dinner soon, and it was just basic. Kenneth (Sylar) arrived! Yay! My goood fwen! He had to call his mum in malaysia for verbal permission to stayover and get food. He eventually got permission. After dinner was committee project presentation. Boring, but still listened anyway, while doodling in my notebook and doing origami... My notebook was a perfect square. Sylar folded elephant, Lux folded airplane, and me a rose. Loved the elephant. Encouraged Sylar to write a last letter meanwhile.
Presentations done, was time for night game. It's called the war game and it's played at the main block of the sch, the concourse area up, classroom blocks. We were split into 4 groups in total, pairing up with another committee. We got the 5th floor. Bascially, we're given a flag, and we're supposed to protect it, and also we need to find other people's flag and take it. Gain point for gaining flag, lose point for losing yours. So when other level ppl get into ur territory, we tag them and they become prisoners. And you can only save prisoners by having their own team member touch them. But it was pretty difficult with so many ppl guarding. I was smart, i went to lie down on the flag. Hehe~
In the end, we started trading flags when the scoring was changed, 10 points to flag gain, -1 for flag loss. We each got 9 points, supposedly, but at the last minute, some ppl from lvl 3 went to kope lvl 2's flag. But it was a happy game. We were all hungry for supper after that, and we had a whole bag of small cakes and biscuits. ^-^ We were a happy bunch of people.
And that's it for the day, busy, huh? I'll type Today's activity tomorrow. As is, activities of 21 November, I'll type it tomorrow. See ya~ stay tuned!
it's 8:26 PM now on Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Hello. Long time since I've blogged. And it's another new blog, how many blog addresses do i have now? Lol...Okays...I tend to create a new blog to like, start a new chapter in my life or something...Like to leave the past behind me, though i can take a look at it whenever i want to.
Firstly, I would wish to highlight a few people this year. This list goes on and on, but it just takes too long to type everything out, so i'll just type th0se people who pop into my mind like, at the moment.
AngelaWow, it's been like...2 years since i've known her and she's the best friend I've ever had. She's a really cute and cheery person, and very very optimistic. When I'm around her, it feels like everything can be done. She remembers numbers and time very well, and i remember details of activities well. We complement each other! Hahas. Thanks Gel, for everything!! And next year, we stay hostel! Mission PINK begins!
Ms Angela LimShe is one fabulous teacher. I'm impressed by how much effort she puts in to help each and every one of her students...but perhaps because she puts in so much effort, some people may feel quite distance from her because she has to care for another student. However, her intentions are always good and really really really cares for her students, especially Jun Yup. I only got to know her this June through Lynnette during the direct school admission camp, and i never regretted it. Thanks so much, Ms Lim!
Tan Jun YupHe's one confusing guy, I tell you. One moment he says this, and another, he contradicts himself! And when you go clarify with him, he just confuses you! However, he is damn serious in everything he does (except sch work...Work harder, buddy!), be it teasing people, or swinging his walking stick. Sometimes scary, but may be very lovable and kind when he wants to. Yes, when he wants to. Thanks for being a great buddy!
Cheryl ChuaBaozi! Wah...I've known you for...let's see. 2.5 years! Still remember the times we buddied during OUR DSA camp at the science center! Hahas! Kind, funny, serious, and scary. Lol. When she gets angry, better run far far before her powerful legs catch up to you and she attacks! Lol, just kidding...She's a wonderful friend to have.
May FongChief Butt! Lol, knew her only for about more than a year, but she's a really really nice person! PSLs sorta gave her the nickname Mong, only to realise later that in Vietnamese, Mong means butthole! Oh dear...So in the absence of Vietnamese, then she allows us to call her Mong. And once, she was in charge of a certain committee in PSL during be urself day, and we were all in her comm, so we called her Chief! And later, Chief Butt! And we, as her humble people, are called Buttians! Lol.. (pronounced as butt-shien)
Alright, so so many things to type, so stop here for today~
it's 9:15 PM now on Monday, November 19, 2007