Rant time! Woohoo! And a good topic too.
Yeah, right. GOOD. I absolutely hate assed up things like that. You make me so fished up sometimes that I have to do this to stop myself from physically hitting you the next time i see you. Or throw my 3kg weight at you for that matter. Or say any vulgarities in front of you.
You LOUSY, LOOSE person who said I was LOOSE. Talk about yourself!
Yea, so what if two of my closer friends are guys? So what if I eat with them at the same table, walk in between them, or attend classes with them?! At least I don't go to some ulu place and hide ourselves and talk till like what,
It's just that our schedules FIT and we are even in the same MATH CLASS with similar HOMEWORK! And that's all the contact we get. We don't even take SO much flucking time off just to hide in someplace and hang out with each other. We DON'T do that, unlike YOU.
Lousy mousy person.First the 6th, now the 7th. First HUGGING. Now what? Sitting up there where nobody else can find you with TWO girls, until 9pm! And what do you say on normal days to me? "OH... I have to go at 7pm LATEST. Then i'll be safe, coz I'm NOT supposed to be in school after 7..." Ha. Ha. I am so going to laugh that you actually stayed with them till 9pm. In a restricted, unaccessible to civilian area.
Then you think it's no big deal.
"9 ONLY WHAT." Only? ONLY?!
ONLY!?!? What the **** man. So I say, why not set up a tent, and a nice fire and bring along some food. Then stay overnight in the nice warm cosy tent, huddled close. 9 only what. Why not till 5am then?And you tell them SO MUCH. And tell me so little. Yet you want still expect me to talk to you the way they do. And i wrote letters to you, only to hear you tell me, "They're all crap." And when I tried to deny it, you insisted that they were crap. And who was the smart butthole who said that if you don't eat the food, you're not respecting the person who cooked it. I wrote to you, and you ****ing say that it's just crap. One day I shall just stuff my weights down your butthole.
You also said that you're sick of me being so jealous. Then what about you? Just coz I played rock-scissors-paper with Aaron Tay, you must get so pissed? I'm not even spending the whole of my evening with him in an ulu area! And also, since when have you stayed up till 9 just for the fun of it, or for me? NIL. NEVER EVER. And who was the one who said, "I swear I didn't hug her [someone else] intentionally!" or that he felt that he has sinned against me by just doing that? You. And now you scale greater heights, and you asked someone else, another girl, to hug you. And literally, scale greater heights, to be with them. For the whole evening, actually, till NIGHT.
I tell you, if you do that ever again, to do ANYTHING that pisses me off this way, I am going to pull you from wherever you are, by your ears. And if you don't move, I'll yank your ear off. And if you think that you're ever-so-right in doing those kind of shit, I'll swipe your mouth off. Or I'll set my dog on you.
You just wanna be with me? Hah. I can see that you mean it. not.
And man, I feel so freaking bad for typing all these out on my blog but oh wells, if i don't i'll probably get much worse, and it may be possible for me to scream till my lungs kaboom or something, something that would injure me physically. That is what happens when all these pissed up feelings cause by err-hmm... build up in me and i get short circuited (or become kuku). I can get injured badly. Or cause someone else to be injured.
And yes, I would have said that I still love him. But no, not now, it just doesn't fit at this moment, you know. I feel so betrayed. That he actually acts like he treasures the other girls more than he treasures me. Or that he feels they're more worth his time than I am.
Sigh, enough la. I already trying to hold back my tears for now liao. And typing this part makes me feel like... It makes me feel worse, like I really don't want to type these stuff out, but I have no choice.
He doesn't want to listen to me, and he insists he's right all the time at times like this. Then when I try to get it to reach his mind, he just says I'm incoherent. That I'm wrong, that it's my fault and my bad for talking to him like that. Then he just totally don't listen to me anymore, and he logs off his msn. He isn't even giving himself a chance to understand my reactions to his actions. He assumes that what he's doing is good, and nothing wrong, because it makes him feel good, and to him it's right, so he think that it is how I think as well.
If you get sick of me being jealous over such matters, then tell me which girl likes her boyfriend going to some ulu place with other girls, without her? Which girlfriend is perfectly fine with her boyfriend sacrificing more time for those other girls than he does with her? Which girlfriend is perfectly fine with her boyfriend saying that the letters she wrote to him are crap? Which girlfriend is perfectly fine with her boyfriend always telling her how much better those other girls are?
Think about this, darling. And guys out there, seriously, spare a thought for your girlfriends before you do or say anything. Think, really, imagine if your girlfriend does that to you, then how would you feel? Will you ever listen to their thoughts? Or do you actually assume she would feel good about it just because you feel good?
How many tears are they shedding behind you? How many tears do they shed when you're there smiling to yourself? And do you know how much they want to be with you? Is it really right to do things like that for your own gains?
it's 10:56 PM now on Friday, March 28, 2008

Missing out alot of stuff. Here are some events that took place...
Tuesday takes Friday's timetable...
So Tuesday was the first time I'v ever tried playing the Saron. It's gamelan, anyway. And the instrument was so dusty that my fingers turned black after that.
We had chem test, which obviously i screwed up again. Then i did my English ppt, which was really satisfactory to me, i duno abt Kong. Went for Sharkwater too. A nice and informative show... hmm, yea. There were scary bits too. And damn, the Rob guy seems to remind me of Mr Soh. At night, I saw a shooting star! And of course, I wished upon it! My very first shooting star... and part of it came true a few minutes later, LOL... Thanks shooting star!
Cait did a crazy thing, and we all couldn't stop laughing. We filmed it all, and you can find out more on Cait's Xanga. She used the vacuum cleaner to suck a box of beehoon, and later we had to clear the thing, so yea. Our little humour. Or a big one!
it's 11:25 AM now on Thursday, March 27, 2008

Not exactly hate... but it's just this frustration that surfaces quite often these few days. Being ignored, and all that. Especially being ignored. There were times when I really wondered if people can actually see me... Am I invisible sometimes? No, I'm really not being sarcastic in anything here. I have this feeling sometimes that people just see right through me. Like, I'm invisble or something. Then I look down at my hands and see myself, so it's like, weird. I don't know why people can just miss me like that.
Not only my friends, even my parents. Sometimes at home, I can call them or something, like, "Mum!" And she doesn't even reply. Not even a, "Oi...?" or "Ah?" I mean, how difficult is it for anyone to produce a sound from their voiceboxes? Minus those that are unable to speak. Feel so hurt and dejected.
Or sometimes around school I call out to people or just wanting to ask them a question, they don't hear me at all. I call and call but they never take note of me.
Does anybody know how I feel? Anybody understands me?
I'd really want to befriend anyone who understands this feeling I have. Does anybody feel the same, anyway?
Anyway, I'm nothing special. No special skills, no talent, no specialty, nothing. I'm a average, but below average girl. In a sense that because I'm just like any other gap filler, I'm nothing else. the buffer for the community. I am really really lucky to have Jun Yup who loves me.
You know at school they always say that everyone's special? That's rubbish.
I'm not special. Even my mum, whom I have developed in and who had given birth to me 17 years ago, cannot answer my question, "Mum, is there anything special about me?" She just stood there, paused for a moment, before saying, "Erm..... I don't know....Umm...."
Forget it la. If there was something special about me, it would have struck you already.
And Kevjumba said something that was really quite true.
Some guy asked him about his grades at school and his reply was.
For American kids, A stands for awesome. It means you did great, fantastic. B means you're good. C means you're average. And D means you're not doing too good. F just means, you failed. That's it.
As for Asian kids (He's an Asian.), A does not stand for Awesome anymore. A, stands for AVERAGE. B becomes BAD. C stands for Crap. Your parents are probably gonna spank you a few times and stuff like that. D stands for DEATH. Your parents are probably gonna threaten to throw you out of the house, stuff like that. And F, stands for ****ed. You're basically screwed.
So well, yea. It's quite true.
Gosh. Feel so sad and emo now, you know. Sms ratio's like about 2:1 or 3:1... Which isn't good at all. Because I only have half the amount for a month and I end up sending more. Haiz. People these days.
it's 12:08 AM now on Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Glad to say... I survived! *collapses* Okay, maybe i didn't survive that well. Got a sore throat, then coughs, and a blocked nose. Sigh. Been feeding myself with all the herbal crap. But i sorta like it, coz so far, none of them are bitter.
Sigh, my parents bought so much delicious stuff for me to eat...But I can't. Twisties..they were on offer ya... And crispy seaweed too... Then there was mango... Too heaty, can't eat. Oh and there's a mini Japanese food fair at compasspoint, and i bought my favourite biscuit! But also cannot eat T.T
Stress. English sucks can... And i still got Math journal. Bahhhh. Never mind, should be able to finish.
So sien. Damn tired can...exhausting just going out for shopping. Esp since I'm sick. Crap man...
it's 9:31 PM now on Saturday, March 22, 2008

Hostel sucks
So I'm back to hostel. And also to find out that the hostel internet was 'spoilt' to a certain extent. I haven't been able to log on to MSN live until today evening. I had to use either Meebo or Ebuddy. Lousy mousy internet. At least it's fixed now.
Also, Monday really became one of the worst days. But Tuesday... which is today, we found out that Chem remedials have been cancelled and they no longer exist! Yayness.
Holidays have been busy. But i especially like the part where i went to the science center with Jun Yup. Please note that he was sulking about how stupid it is for us to go to the science center, before we got there. And i was there feeling so damn bad. Then I saw this air tube man, that was flailing his 'arms' as the air passes through his tubal body. Lucky I saw it, made him smile abit when I said, "Hey! That man's doing the turkey curse!" Well, in the end, the sulky boy did have fun in the Science Center. He particularly liked the exhibit that uses light that flashes really really fast to see a water parabola in slow motion. I liked that too.
I also like the part where the 12A cluster went to eat at Marche. Now, i shall emphasize that this was the only part that i like. I didn't particularly like the cycling part. First time at Marche, and the food there's really really nice. Just abit too expensive. Can't hold a bday party there or i'll be penniless. Probably at Sakura again, though it's quite ulu. Still, it's a good place. Seoul Garden is good too, just that we'll all stink up after the meal. Sakae.... also bit too expensive, unless i treat them all to the tea time thing.
Oh wells. I bruised myself the night i returned to hostel. Hit the back of my right foot against the edge of the table when exiting the desk to wash my bowl. It had this loud "pouk!" sound and I was there hopping and yelping in pain. Instantly, a bruise appeared. I'm amazaed at how fast it forms. And oh, i can't rub it coz it's painful to even put little pressure on it.
it's 11:09 PM now on Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Pop goes the holiday
One term of being comfortable with the timetable... and the next term is out to kill us. Prepare to fight, Year 5s. Nobody's going to lock us up like innocent little kitties when we really are lions and tigers!
It's so hard to start doing work sometimes. But you know, we have to finish it... Sighs. Holidays are never really holidays. And I hate it when teachers say, "So.... How was your holiday? Hope it was good *cheery smiles*! Now students, please take out the assignment you were supposed to do~~~" And teachers assume it's only "a little bit of work", but imagine if every teacher thinks it's only "a little bit". It ends up being a whole lot. And the English dept learnt to shut their mouths about the little bit part. Good job.
APs next term. Dies. Never was really good at any subject in school. Which is really disappointing. Very, more of. I've just placed myself in a pool so deep I may drown any moment. And I was wondering why I didn't want to remain in the pool with just the right amount of depth for me. Oh wait, maybe it was just by accident? I don't know. I hate the drowning feeling.
it's 12:42 PM now on Friday, March 14, 2008

Oh I am SO starting to hate school now. Shit.
The wonderful English Department of the school has planned a SAT preparatory class for ALL Year 5 students. Every Monday, 3 pm to 4.30 pm.
There goes my day. Screw. What the hell is going on la!!!!!!! Monday is the only day that we can take a break, and YOU disgusting department have to take it away from US!
What's more, you dump this useless Academic project at us. And I seriously see NO point in doing an English project. And every possible holiday that we have, you must destroy it, and make us do English work all day long. Like Chinese New Year! While people are celebrating the new year, you must give me something called an IRR ESSAY (more of ASS-AY) and make me worry about it. What a GREAT way to start the new year! And can you sense the sarcasm in my writing? I hope so, my
dearest English department!
And Chemistry. I know we're all taking the Chem APs this year, but seriously, do you want us all to fall flat before the APs come? What's with taking Monday nights and Tuesday nights for chemistry?! And with so many people failing your stupid chem test, you daresay it's the students' fault?
I really hate school. And the E. Dept. Forever stepping on our toes, forever doing the wrong things. I hate.
it's 11:16 PM now on Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Wanted to talk about life plans, but then didn't have time. Not those future job plans, but more on life plans. Life, you know, not dead plans.
So... Neither am I going to post it here. I feel rather bad to be blogging after someone goes offline though.
Today, was a funny day. It was a happy day, a frustrating day... All in one. Also one of the days where I wonder if my life plans will work.
Started out by going to church, then eating while watching Goong-S. Then Jun Yup came over, quite late. He had to leave in about 3 hours time so ya. We originally wanted to watch The Incredibles, but I figured he wouldn't like cartoons (everytime we go watch a movie, it's a cartoon. Because I wanted to watch it. Shrek 3, Ratatouille...) so in the end we watched Stardust. He didn't really enjoy it in the end so oh wells, one point down for me.
He doesn't like plums. I like plums. Another point down for me.
Here comes the cryptic part:
I feel weird today. Like, I did something I don't want to do. I think I did. I don't really enjoy THOSE moments. Not like I ever did. It's just so far from what I hope for. Not that's it's not enough... It's... too much for me. Too much for me to handle. The base isn't really too strong and it should not be going to the intermediate level yet. Not now. Too early. Very very early.
Sometimes I wished I could write a song that can express me well. I really want to write my own song. But a song on the piano does not strike the heart as much. A guitar, that would be good, but I can't play it well enough. I'm bad at lyrics. I can't even write something decent that people close to me will find it good. Even stories. Everytime I write a story, I proudly show it to someone close, and then they say that it's crap. I'm just bad. Bad at English, at writing poems, or writing a song... I really want to do stuff like that, and I really thought I could, but it was just a lie. I can't. And I'm hopeless.
My life plans... At least I hope I can be a good family member, or rather, a good mum. A model mum. That's if I ever have my family, and my own kid.
I don't know how much I've been kept in the dark about. There are many things that are kept from me, I don't know why. I am just a person who wants to know.
I feel that everytime, everyday, I'm weighed down with bad situations. Situations that require me to think before doing. Because if I don't plan properly, it would be the most embarassing situation in my life. It's that bad. Or maybe it's just me who is too introverted, a person who's afraid of everything.
Sad world.
it's 10:21 PM now on Sunday, March 9, 2008

Today is 503 day! 05 March (05/03), you know...So happy 503 day to everyone, especially students of M08503...
SLI tomorrow, half looking forward, half not.
Recently not sleeping with Apple. Didn't feel this connection with Apple so I put Apple somewhere else. More space for me and my little baby to hug and go to sleep. Apple doesn't do anything, just there to... stare at the ceiling. My baby connects with me and listens to me, and when we sleep, we never leave each other alone.
I really like the clinking sound when I run with it on. Hmm. But it's going to be retired soon.
I find that the space under my desk is a very good place to be emo. It is also a really good place to hide. If I had fluffier blankie, I would have slept in there. I love that place. Like a rabbit's hutch, if you look carefully. And I vacuumed the area so that it'd be clean enough for me to sit in it when I am sad and behave like a kid.
I want to go to the zoo someday. Makes me feel so kiddy again... I can run and run to all the different places and never get tired. Stare at the animals, observing them with ever so much curiosity... Never getting tired of them. Being afraid of snakes... and the hissing cockroaches... Or maybe the birdpark. Sorta reminds me of last year's teacher's day. I wouldn't mind walking all alone again, looking at all the birds and learning something new about them...
I want to go home. My parents, my hamster, my dog... My windchimes singing for me... My parents love me... They even let me draw on the bananas (the peel on) they were going to eat... My hamster, the little sprinter, always dashing here and there... My dog, though he barks at me, is a smart little guy who plays with me when I'm bored... And also my piano. It's a really magical instrument, because whenever I need a channel for me to express my sadness, my piano's the one. Alot of the tears that I hold back... flow out when I play on my piano.
Listening to mp3 now, through my comp. My player need to be charged, so ya... Just dislike the sad sad pathetic volume control, coz it's one channel control, not like it can be divided into smaller sections of what.
I love my PSL badge.
We rock, oh yea, we do.
Talked a slight bit with Mr Jang today. Not sure if i just kileed myself, but it was nice talking to him. Sometimes he seems like he has so many things to ask me. But yes, he did ask me one question today, which was really hard to answer but yea I did answer. Then we had a sharing session where he asked me another, and that question was slightly easier to answer. Talked to him again in a group at about 7.45pm. We were discussing about MoE and teachers and all, quite an eye opener. Hmm.
I feel like doing cheerleading again, be the tough girl that people don't know of. I miss wearing the cheer uniform though it's really short and quite bad looking... Performing with Hypertoxic... Coach Jesse... All the bitchy members, the lazy ones, the ones that pinch me... though it was tough, it was really a good bonding opportunity... We'll never have that opportunity anymore. Charmaine's in Aus... out of contact with Coach... no more news of the team... sigh.
Still wondering if I should go. should I? Not Australia la... It's regarding a trip to somewhere in Singapore along with a few other ppl.
it's 10:20 PM now on Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Things aren't getting any better, still the same old indifferent person.
Someone got upsetted by me. And I'm actually caring about in what way I have upsetted that person. And that person is still being a stupid person, by telling me that oh he's so upset, but not telling me why. HELLO DRAMA PAPA! Stop acting like a spoilt brat la. You should be SO fucking glad that I actually bother about you when you DON'T even bother about how I feel.
Add on the fact that I'm trying to fucking hold back my tears now. Those tears that don't even matter to you AT ALL. Ask your idiotic self WTF do I cry so often! And if you are STUPID enough of COCKY enough not to know, let ME tell you.
I wouldn't be crying those tears-that-don't-matter-to-you if YOU were responsible enough to CARE for my feelings. You can do that to all your other ladies, why can't you do it for ME? You don't even ask how do I feel, and when you do something wrong, I have to flucking request you again and again for YOU to apologise, just so
I can make
MYSELF feel better. And when you finally give in and say a SORRY, you aren't even sincere about it. You still flucking think you're always right. And I wouldn't be CRYING if you actually THINK carefully where YOU, YOURSELF, went wrong, and how you would avoid it. And that is if you finally STOP being happy that I am sad.
it's 10:32 PM now on Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Chem remedials later. I'm blogging during my break. I'm going to be dead again later because I haven't told Jun yup that I have Chem remedial later, although the time for the remedial is after he leaves the school.
Gee why am I so afraid of him. He isn't even afraid of me. If i put down some rule, he just finds some weird reason to be excused from it. And you know what, everytime I find a real reason to be excused from his rules, he insists that those are 'excuses' and I should constantly be following them. How weird.
And then, when he gets angry, I will always find out what happened. Most of the time, it's my fault. But still, it may be because he misunderstood me or something. At least I bother to find out what went wrong, even if it's me. But you know the weird thing is, when he upsets me or hurts me by his words, he never bothers to ask why or how. I mean, like, HELLO? does he lack the basic skills of reading emotions? Either that, or he just can't be bothered to care. Seeing me pissed and all sad, he doesn't ask what happened. I have to go up to him and tell him, hey, I don't think what you did/say was very nice of you to do so; and it upset me. Even so, he doesn't care. His answer? "Pity." That's all he says.
Pity? Don't you even care about how bad you made others feel. And not some other person on the road, it's his own close friend! This is how he repays me for my concern for him, heck caring about me when he was the one who hurt me. Oh wow, what a GREAT deal that is.
Next, I know what you people will say. "Aiyah, go ask him if he did consider your feelings first before doing anything onot..." I've asked that, you wanna know his reply. I'll give it to you even if you don't want to know. So yea, here goes, "Of course I do. Well, and that is why I want to do it." Oh wow, how great, so your aim is to make me as upset as possible before you can be happy?
I originally don't plan to type this here, but I guess you are so "whats-the-big-deal" about it, and you said there's nothing wrong about it, so I shall post it here, on my blog. Since to you it's so common anyway. How many of you out there think that it is right for an attached guy to go ask another girl for a hug? No, two hugs, I mean. Add on the fact that those two were in an ulu area where nobody really goes to? Is it right? And note that he was the one who asked for it, not that the girl threw herself at him.
Also, you know those cheesy hand to hand stuff? Is it nice for an attached guy to do a hand-link-hand, right infront of his own girlfriend, with another girl? Nice? Oh, and you haven't know the meaning of the had-link-hand thing. Well, let me tell you their interpretation of it. To them, as in him and the other girl, it symbolises a hug. Oh wow, so you cryptic hug another girl right infront of your girlfriend, how nice of you... Let me give you a hug too *hugs* Oh, that hug wasn't meant for you, the guy, but it was meant for the sane readers of my blog.
It's perfectly fine to do it infront of me right? Well, if it's so correct then I'll tell it to the readers of my blog. If you ever think this post is insulting, then think again. You were the one who told me there was nothing wrong with what you did, and if there's nothing wrong with what you did, I don't think there would be anything wrong with me telling anyone else. Readers, leave a tag on the tagboard about whether it's right or not, if you want to. Of course if you're out of your sane mind then don't tag.
So now, I'm done for now with venting my frustrations, although it doesn't really help much. This post, is just to show some people how right they are, since they keep saying there's nothing wrong. Even in the church when we say peace be with you and you decide to give someone a hug, you don't hug twice. And that is what we call a friendly hug.
it's 12:05 PM now on

Been a cold day. Weather wise, and people wise. Ok wait, maybe not people, but person.
Lol, I wonder if the hypothesis will come true. There is a possibility... But then again, nt much.
I mean, well, okay, there are some people out there who don't treat me like I was just a nuisance. And they actually bother to read my face and tell how I'm feeling. The rest are just... pathetically cruel. Some people just see me as a... well, how do I put it... Like those stuff that you take for granted. Well for some others, they smile when they see me, and they get really really happy when I talk to them. They don't have to smile, I could just feel the energy boucing off them.
Unlike some, who... talks to you just because they have nobody else to talk to. Like, it's not as if they want to talk to you. They are just desperate for people to talk to and too bad their talk buddies aren't around to provide entertainment. So they go for something cheap and easy to get. Get me? And they talk to you in such a monotonous way. They give you straight answers, and they suan you whenever possible. When you try to be nice towards them, like telling them how grateful you are of whatever.. They just think you're being stupid and all. It's like... No spirit.
And there are also some who can't be satisfied. Which I shan't mention anymore because. I feel too hurt to type anymore. Talking, doesn't help. Never bothers about my feelings. It can get really hard to type while your eyes are stinging with tears.
it's 10:39 PM now on Monday, March 3, 2008

Last night I had a scary. but beautiful dream. I actually have a meimei in there, a real one... a little sister... and i went all out to save her.
today was overall a... not so good day. Went to the doctors to get the corn checked. Even the doctor cringed when she saw the corn. She said cannot pull la, if not it will be damn pain and will bleed and get infected. So she gave me this medication thing, that stinks. Lol. Rented the Music and Lyrics VCD this week. Stardust is still out. Hafta wait.
Went home to watch it, then went online. Chatted abit, but it didn't turn out so good because... the feeling just isn't there, you know? Like people are talking to you because they HAVE to as part of common courtesy? There was only one person who genuinely bothered to talk to me and understand, and no, it's not Jun Yup. I want to thank that person.
After that, decided to drop an sms, which gave me a really bad time, actually. Well, someone said that he only cared for his other friends, who were friendly and interesting. And implying that I am not, that I am hostile, boring, and irritating. I mean, like why would any friend say that? It was really hurtful to me, and irresponsible of him to have even said that to a friend. He stated that I should be self-sufficient and not tie him down. Well, of course it did hurt. I did cry throughout the whole sms conversation thing. Obviously, he didn't know. I could not be bothered to tell him that I'm crying, due to the fact that he most probably would not care. And it's not that I don't trust him, I do. But through past experiences, he never really did care if I cried or not.
So I got so hurt, I just hurt him back. At this point, I would like to say that nobody would be able to really save me from death. And if you are my really close friend, the most you could do is to stay by me, and give me a reason to live on for you. That is the maximum you can do. If there was any imitation of me who required any friend of mine to fight and get injured and get so pissed and all, it's not me at all. If I am willed to die, I have to. And the only thing that can save a person from death, is willpower.
What he never realised is that it is not the first time he said hurtful stuff to me. It is not because of what he smsed me recently that hurt me. Through all these times, the various times I've been badly hurt, I endured. Endurance has its limit and when it reaches that limit, I cannot endure anymore.
Sometimes, you have to understand that when you hurt someone, someone will also hurt you back. When someone is able to endure your insults, you should know how to stop. Show a little more care, she's your best friend. It is not really fair to say that she's your best friend, then you shower more care on your other friends.
It really hurts me. I nearly cried on Friday.
But I guess, it doesn't really matter, does it...?
Telling others not to ignore the people around when you're with your best friend,
yet you, yourself, are ignoring your own best friend.
it's 10:39 PM now on Saturday, March 1, 2008