I sit on the swings
She sits on the swings and rocks herself gently.
Back and forth... Back and forth...
Using the back of her hands, she rubs the tears off her cheeks.
Then turning her right hand over, used her palm to wipe the streak of blood off the corner of her mouth.
Using her fingertips, she touched the bruise forming over her left eye.
She cringed as more tears spilled out of her eyes onto her cheeks.
The word kept resounding in her head, in the voice she was familiar with.
And with every time the words resounds in her head.... another wound opened somewhere on her body.
She's bleeding. Fast.
Losing blood...
She pressed her palms against her ears, hoping it would stop...
But it won't, and it can't, because what's said has been said...
And there is nobody there to hold her now.... Not even when she's so hurt, not even when she's about to die...
it's 10:48 PM now on Sunday, September 21, 2008

This rude person
Mr. Tan Jun Yup happily, behind my back (wonder what 'backstabbing' is.), deleted two of the photos on my phone.
- This may be classified as backstabbing.
- It is very rude.
- He didn't obtain prior permission to look into my phone.
- Act of stealing. Only this time it's not retrievable.
After that, he refused to admit his mistakes, and accused me of
brandishing it around when all i did was to
show it to him, infront of his big face.
And he still refuses to admit his mistakes.
It's like someone breaking into your house and taking your stuff, you know, while you were AWAY.
All people, keep all your phones away from this dangerous person who'll delete your stuffs when you're not looking.
it's 10:36 PM now on Friday, September 19, 2008

19 sept. Oh I am so original with titles. -_-
So well, today was alright I guess. Woke up on time, goodie.
Mr. Kevin smsed me in the morning today, requesting me to inform a few people that he won't be able to make it for their group presentation. He was involved in a certain emergency situation.
Poor him, and on his birthday too.
Happy Birthday, Mr Kevin. Hope you did enjoy your day after all. It's not everyday you grow a year older and wiser, you know....
Ok, back to topic. I stubbed a toe on my right foot yesterday, in a desperate attempt to answer Angela's phone for her while she was in the shower. I stubbed it on the bottom part of her bed. Last time, I stubbed my left toe on it, and now (6 weeks or so) later, it still hasn't heal. It still hurts. ZzZz.
Today we went back to Kent Ridge part to collect our eggs. One of our real eggs was eaten in the interior forest, but other than that we didn't have any stunning results or anything. Sighs.
Then went back and bought my Adobe student pack. Several others bought too. Then later, had lunch with Ben and Gel (with permission, excuse me.) And it was a funny experience. Coz Ben and I were like making fun of Gel. Lol. Ben was playing with a piece of ginger, and flicked it around when Gel tried to kiap it with her chopsticks.
Went up after that. Asked Gel if she still needed the small plastic container, but she said no, and gave it to me! So I went down and caught two more baby caterpillars, and named them Angel and Devil.
Brought them along to gamelan. I played the gongs today again, and Mr Amran taught me some weird gong pattern for a certain Irama. Got confused the first time and forgot to pick up the big mallet, so ended up hitting the Gong Ageng (Big gong) with the smaller mallet. Which is like diaoz.....
Hands got tingly when playing it. No idea why, but was feeling weird. Shudder wants me to switch instruments with him for next week, but after what Mr Amran taught him, I'm having second thoughts. Because it's damn freaking scary, and it's like conducting the entire ensemble. And I really dun think I can do it.
After gamelan, went up to pack, then met Jun yup for some leaf plucking. Saw a cute baby caterpillar, so decided to raise it as well. Named it Mortal. So now I have 3 caterpillars, Angel, Devil, and Mortal.
Had dinner, which was quite horrible. Then went for Ken Wei's recital. Met him on our way in. Got our programme booklets, then I suggested to Gel jokingly, "Ask him for his autograph, hahahahaha~" And Gel actually took me seriously, and really went to ask Ken Wei for his autograph. After which I joined in to act like fangirls. He signed on the biceps thing in PINK pen. His helpers then suggested that he should sign all of them. Another person came, and Ken Wei crazily went to sign her programme booklet as well, lol. Then he was like, "NO! I'm not going to sign all of them!!!!!" Lol.
His recital was way awesome. Coz he has a really really nice tenor voice. Plus, I didn't know he played the flute, which of course now I know... Pretty cool music.
Near the end of the recital, Chermaine's lil bro rushed to the stage and passed him a sunflower, so cute! And Bryan Lee, the yr 6, went to the stage to pass him a bunch of BANANAS. LOL! That's like the funniest thingy the entire time.
He did two encore pieces. Both of which are really cool.
After that, went to the hostel to gather my stuff. One of the lifts was spoilt AGAIN. And there was only one working lift. Gel and I waited at the 1st floor for more than 5 minutes before we got into the lift. A bunch of GUYS pressed the lift to get to the 4th floor. GUYS!!! Omg.... Not like they're injured or something. Gee....
Then when I wanted to go down, the lift doors closed on me and went straight down instead. Waited more than 5 minutes for the stupid thing to come again. The lift, on the way down, stopped at 7th floor. A GUY entered, and pressed 5. WTH?! Can't even walk down 2 storeys.... Guy sumore. Guys nowadays are more niangniang than girls can.... Waliaoz.....
People stay 12th floor then bo pien right.... Walk 12 storeys up, you kisiao ah? Waste people time only la!
In the end, Jun Yup said I took 30 minues or so just to get my things. I didn't even spend more than 5 minutes in my room!!!! See la! stupid guys make me kena scolding again....
Now Jun yup dao me lor.... Got new excuse again seh... So sien wan, want to talk also cannot. Nobody talk to me, I so lonely. People too busy for me *stares*... Sien wan lorh.... Everyday hope and hope for that, everyday also cannot get. People damn sad wan can.... Not like they will know.... *stares* or maybe they do.... *stares*
WTH man... Being me sucks la! Big time!
it's 10:36 PM now on

Still a horrible day
Today was horrible as well, though not as bad as yesterday. Basically was a super stressful day.
Anyway, Mr Kevin gave me "The Confessions of Saint Augustine" for my birthday. It's a Catholic text, and it's sorta nice of him. He bound the book himself, cool right? Haha~
So anyway it's sort of tough to read, I've only deciphered the first paragraph. Didn't really have time yesterday to do it coz of the tests and all. Tiredness.
I'm slowly trying to understand it, because the words are like, quite old English/Latin, and there's no point going on if I dun understand stuff. So I have to understand before going on.
Okay, back to topic. Theo and Rad spent the entire Calculus lesson debating/arguing about the definition of 'average' in the mathematical sense. After the lesson ended, they are still at it, and Caleb and I joined in since we were waiting for them to go for IR, lol. It was speaking from both general and poisson distribution perspectives, and it's sort of interesting but confusing at the same time.
Gonna get the Adobe Student pack thing tomorrow, using the angpow money i got from my relatives for my birthday. Still waiting for 'Acheron', Borders lied.... They keep saying that the book will arrive in 2 to 3 weeks time, but I've been calling and asking every week, and after 4 freaking weeks, they're still telling me it's arriving in 2 to 3 weeks time. What the hell......
The ebook can't be found either. Besides, I'm waiting to get it. The ebook sorta spoils the whole mood of it.
Sien, it's like once again nobody to talk to. Everybody's like TOO busy for me... *stares* Okay, maybe not everybody, but most of the people who I expected to share some care....
Anyway, last night was a miracle. You don't know how warm it felt to have someone who is willing to spend a little time talking with you. About anything, just keep talking. And there was no wrong or right. It was a really calming moment for me.
Sighs. Sorta sad. *curls up in a corner somewhere* Feel so weird in me.
So weak, so fragile.
And a really bad longing for something.
it's 10:44 PM now on Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Today was horrible. Too horrible.
Had to wake up early, and go down early coz of PSL farewell thing. Which totally pissed me off because I haven't had much sleep last night. Was thinking about stuff, and also evaluation of situations. Figured I probably made some mistakes here and there. But it still stabs whenever I think of that 5-letter word. It still hurts when I hear the word resounding in my mind in his voice. And it also hurts that just because I said a word that was neutral, a noun, but in description of something, I got scolded; and it's because he doesn't like the word. For a reason as simple as that, I got scolded. Yet I never mentioned anything dissatisfaction of his 5-letter insult, until after he reprimanded me for a word a said.
That word I said, was replacing 'promise' with 'pinky'.
So I cried last night. It was no use holding it back because there is no one who waits for me, to lend me a shoulder to cry on. Even Jacen refuses me that. My tears dun mean anything to anyone.
So is my pain and my hurt.
So he said last night over msn that he needed emotional support today, but since he REPULSES me so much, he's going to hang around another girl instead.
Then today he says that actually, he's hanging around everyone else except me.
So, I really dunno. I'm trying hard to be all numb about it. Trying hard to ignore the stinging wounds.
Then there was lessons, and Animal Physio was annoying. Supposed to form groups of 3 or 4 people, and since our class has 18 people, it was obvious and commonsensical to be forming 6 groups of 3, fair and easy. Theo and I decided first, then asked Aaron, but Aaron said to wait.
Turns out later that Aaron joined another group, and at first Theo and I thought it was our fault as Aaron said that the other group's person or people had asked him to join first. But then we went to check the list to see who doesn't have a group and it turns out that the group Aaron joined had 4 people, while the rest had 3 people. So Theo and I were the only 2 left out.
And thanks so much to that, Theo and I had to split up, joining two different groups. And now there's an uneven spread. I find this totally unfair, although I'm fine with the groupings.
Went back up to grab some sleep. My first siesta brought me awful feelings, and dreams of not being able to wake up haunt me. It felt so real, I got really really scared. Everytime I try to sit up in bed, and try to keep my position, I just slump back down and fall asleep, only to 'wake up' a few minutes later, following the same thing over again. When I finally really woke up, I sat up straight away, afraid of going back to sleep. Then my head began to hurt. Giving me a really bad headache.
Had to go for PE with that headache. Ms Lee made us run 13 rounds around the netball court. Almost died after that.
All in all, today was definitely one of my horriblest days. I'm really sad, depressed, upset, hurt and in pain. And it hurts even more to know that you're being left out by your boyfriend on this day, that he's hanging around everyone else but you. It hurts that even though I'm hurting, he's still not aware that I am; and even if he does he's not going to care in any way, because he had other things on his mind. Not just today, though today is a special day for him, but on usual days as well. It hurts to know that I dun have a shoulder to cry on because my tears dun mean anything to him, and that when I'm anything but happy, he's not going to bother with me.
I wish for a better day tomorrow, or maybe not tomorrow but the day after tomorrow. I want a night where I dun have to cry myself to sleep. Most of all, I really hope he would care for me as well, and not just me always caring and giving him comfort.
Sucks to be me, really.
It really hurts. It really really hurts, but I don't even know how to put this in words.
it's 9:53 PM now on Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I got tagged
Jacen tagged me to do this quiz, so here goes.
Starting time: 8.42pm
Name: Cassandra Kiara Ng [or Cassie]
Sisters: none
Shoe size: I dunno.... Shall just leave this alone.
Height: 163cm.
Where do you live: At home on weekends, hostel on weekdays.
Favourite drinks: Blackcurrent juice, Apple juice, various teas
Favourite breakfast: Economical noodles from the stall at the market near my hse.
Have you ever been on a plane?: Yep... To Thailand, hawaii, taiwan, and Japan.
Swam in the ocean?: Snorkelling? Then yes.
Fallen asleep at school?: Yea, haha. Physics.
Broke someone's heart?: Definitely yes.
Fell off your chair?: Yes.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call?: Yes. But most of the time he doesn't call, and sometimes not even an sms. Shrugs.
Saved e-mails?: Of course.
What is your room like?: Hostel room is messy messy. Home room... The pink is cluttered neeatness(thanks to mum), and the green room is neat.
What's right beside you?: Wall, lamp, Harddrive, pencilcase, phone, Chonchon
What is the last thing you ate: Orange jelly. Tasty.
Do you like your hand-writing?: Yea, I guess so... Sometimes it changes though.
Are your toe nails painted?: Yea, blue. But it's coming off.
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in?: I dunno... Maybe next time. Not now.
what colour teeshirt are you wearing now?: Pink.
What were you doing at 7:00 p.m. yesterday?: On our way to dinner!
When did you cry last?: Two nights ago?
Are you a friendly person?: Yea, generally. Just dun step on my toes.
Do you have any pets?: Caterpillars, and a chihuahua, and half a hamster.
Where is the person you have feelings for right now?: His home, at the com. Lol.
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now?: Duh.
Do you sleep with the TV on?: I don't really watch TV, and my mum sleeps with the TV on, not me.
What are you doing right now?: Chatting, thinking, worrying....
Have you ever crawled through a window?: Yep. When I was a small kid, I got upset and locked myself in grandma's hse room. Mum had to talk to me from the outside through the window before I finally unlocked the door, but i crawled out the window anyway, coz wanted to be carried.
Can you handle the truth?: I dunno. Do you?
Are you too forgiving?: Sometimes.
Are you closer to your mother or father? My mum.
Who was the last person you cried in front of?: Jacen.
How many people can you say you've really loved?: Two for outsiders, and lots more for family members.
Do you eat healthy?: Not really.
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?: My ex, yes. Together, no. We never even met.
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?: Yes...... That's the best way to make a Cassie cry.
Are you loud or quiet most of the time?: I duno....
Are you confident?: At times.
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. Keep fish
2. Play masak-masak with my uncle
3. Watch cartoons.
4. Being bullied
5. Living
5 things on my to-do list today:
1. Read a little for animal physio quiz tmr.
2. Play Audiosurf.
3. Pack one math file.
4. Look at and adore Chonchon.
5. Be happy with Jacen.
5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Sapporo Potato -Spices flavor
2. Prawn cracker biscuits
3. Edamame Peas
4. Popsicle
5. Some jellies
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. Buy myself a nice house.
2. Share it with family, and some friends.
3. Buy what I really want or need.
4. Donate to random charities who need it the most.
5. Throw the rest into the bank and live off the interest for life. <- =P
5 of my bad habits:
1. I have too freaking high a tolerance level.
2. I may get overly worried.
3. I can't make decisions fast.
4. I am too aware of things sometimes.
5. I'm scared of many stuff.
5 places I have lived in:
1. House at Ang Mo Kio
2. Current house at Sengkang
3. School hostel
4. My dreams
5. Ah Sim's house
5 jobs I've had:
1. Student
2. Big sister/caretaker for my little cousins
3. Tuition teacher for my little cousins
4. IT tech person for my illiterate neighbour
5. Girlfriend
5 people I tag:
1. Gel?
2. Mel
3. Wei Cheng
4. Vanessa
5. Renee
[Who cares, really, i dun expect any of them to do this.]
it's 8:41 PM now on Monday, September 15, 2008

Guys nowadays......
Today was a first time in a long time that I actually got really pissed with Dad and yelled at him.
What happened was this...
Mum accidentally hit the switch that, if unlucky, triggers a full house electrical trip. The switched turned on a few spotlights, without any trip. But the thing is, it was an accident, so she wanted to turn it off.
She ranted for a moment, emphasizing how worried she is that if she attempts to switch it off it'll cause a full trip. But then, Dad was too engrossed with the handphone that he didn't even bother paying attention to Mum. At the same time, Dad was running a scan on a really old computer we have[windows 95] and that scan takes freaking long.
In the end, since Dad got no reply, Mum hit the switch, and suay, the whole house tripped. This caused the old computer to shut down, resetting the scan.
Then when we had dinner, Dad was going on and on, complaining about how all the time was wasted just coz the scan was resetted. He kept saying, "Mummy lorh! All her fault la!"
Then Mum was like feeling so guilty, she kept saying sorry and that it was an accident, but Dad kept going on about how it was ALL HER FAULT.
I couldn't stand it anymore, partly due to some situation that cropped up earlier, and I was SO pissed off, I yelled, "She already said sorry lah!"
Dad, being the i-am-the-master guy he is, replied, "Ya la, the scan takes very long wan you know.... Mummy laH....."
So I got more pissed and yelled back, "SHE DIDN'T MEAN IT LA!" And glared at him.
Dad got a shock, said, "Huh." and went back to his business.
Seriously, Mum already warned us. If he was that smart then he could have prevented the trip. But no.... he had to ignore Mum's speech, and then blame her for it later.
That's so ridiculous.
Don't even know how guys think nowadays. Perhaps they aren't satisfied with having someone to love them, care for them. Mum does all the household chores on her own, sometimes with my help, but not Dad. Dad comes home and all he does is eat and sleep. At least appreciate the woman doing all the stuff that you don't need to worry about? Men just take their women for granted nowadays.
They don't want to admit their own mistakes. Hurt your feelings, and continue to do so without knowing. And why do they not know? Because they don't want to accept their flaws. They want to think that they're always SO damn great and do all the right things all the time. They should really take some time off their pretty faces, and appreciate those around them. Take some time to remember all that THEY have done for you.
What's more, during dinner. Dad was practically swallowing his rice; In the process, taking in lots of air into his stomach. He has REALLY bad eating habits, and that is what leads to all his fatness and bloatedness and always-going-hungry-ness.
Mum, being concerned, advised him, "Don't suck the rice into your mouth. Got alot of air like that... And chew before you swallow, it's better for digestion." [In chinese]
And dad was being so damn rude, replying, "Mind your own business." [In Chinese]
I glared at him.
I was hurt by his words, even though it wasn't directed at me. I could feel my mum's pain, the hurt in her heart she felt.
My eyes stung at that. And I held back my tears.
I've been through so much today, held back my tears several several times. I didn't have to cry. Nobody would know, anyway.
My boyfriend, he doesn't want to be bothered by these...
I am very happy when I get a chance to see Jacen. When I get a chance to talk to him even. But it's not really the same to him.
To him, I'm like an annoying bug, perhaps. I may be his girlfriend, I may be able to get his love at times. But the rest of the time, he tells me to go away. He tells me to leave him alone because he doesn't want to see me or talk to me.
And I wait.
I keep telling myself he has a reason for doing so.
But I don't want him to feel alone. Just like I yearn for comfort when I feel hurt, he must be seeking that as well. I lent him my ears, talked to him to distract him so that he won't think so much.
Yet, everything that had good intentions in them turn into insults to him, for some odd reason. His words, they pierce me like a thousand needles pierced into my flesh, yet I was still there for him.
He scolds me and says I'm hurting him, when what he says hurts me deep inside. I cry to myself, but he didn't need to know that.
I apologise.
And he says sorry doesn't fix everything.
A stab to my heart, and I pull it out myself and tend to my wound myself. He didn't need to do that.
Then he blocks me on msn all the time. He just blocks me heartlessly. No thoughts or considerations whatsoever with regards to my feelings. And I wait. I wait again.
He comes online after that, scolds me. And abruptly logs offline, without even saying goodbye.
And I cry to myself once again. He didn't know that.
I'm nothing to him when I'm not my usual happy self.
I don't even know what being his girlfriend is....
A sanctuary he only visits when he needs it?
A faithful follower? A servant?
A tag-title for just an average on-the-streets person?
Or is it someone he'll love, love to be with?
I will never give up on him, because he means the world to me. He's someone that I will love with everything I have. Never, will I give up.
But I really hope that he would at least wipe my tears away from my cheeks and say, for once, "It's alright, Kia... It's alright. I'm here for you."
Or maybe at least admit his mistakes when he has done something to hurt me, just apologise sincerely.
I really wished he would never ask me to go away, nor tell me that he didn't want to see/talk to me... And tell me to stay by his side...
[I will do it, really. I'll stay by your side, Jacen.]
I feel so alone whenever he asks me to go away, so hurt. I picture myself, sitting in a corner at a dark alley.... sobbing, sobbing... with nobody to pick me up.
Waiting.... Waiting for Jacen, my darling.
it's 10:57 PM now on Saturday, September 13, 2008

Yesterday was my birthday, and thanks to EVERYONE who wished me a happy birthday! You people rock! XD
Thanks to my parents for my crumpler bag, my first ever.
Thanks dad for the shoes...
Thanks mum for the solar powered nohohon...
Thanks to my precious Jacen, who bought me a really huge black bunny, a stitch glower, a star-shaped handphone accessory, a star-shaped accesory, and the pink plushie rose with a note with it!
Thanks to Shimin jiejie, Jacen's sister, who got me a photo album. My first personal album!
Thanks Chermaine, who bought me an octopus handphone holder. Pink! Yay, and from Action City, my favourite place to get stuff. I like everything there, haha.
Thanks Cheryl, for the really cute husky soft toy~ It's really cute and soft and cuddly!
Thanks Shudder, who got me a really cool clock. it had grains and all in it, really awesome.
Thanks Angela my best roommate and friend, for getting me the rabbit cushion with massage function. Really nice to hug.
Thanks to Weicheng, who has my present but has not yet passed it to me.
And thanks to another person, who i cannot name here, for intending to get me a present.
Thanks to my uncle Peter, uncle Patrick, Grandma, and aunt Maria, for giving me birthday angpows.
Thanks to aunt Aster and family, for giving me a really nice perfume.
Thanks to aunt Irin, who I suppose got me a pair of earrings.
So yea, anyways, about today. Two of my quads turned into pupae... So scary. And Jun Yup took them home so I've got nothing to observe at now... But I have chonchon, so yea.
Had hostel tour tonight, didn't get to bring anyone around, so tagged along with Daniel since Jace was in his group. Most of the mums came to ask me questions... I think they're more comfortable with talking to girls, haha.
Passed my Quads to Jace to bring home T_T I'll miss them lots, and all of them would have turned into pupae during the week. Maybe chonchon will as well, would be fun but scary to watch.
Then.... had some weird series of events.
Quite scary how people of very very different status in a community can be that close.... The closest I've gotten to anyone of that kind of rank and status would be more of in check. Like, i dun go out for supper in the middle of the night with them, or hitch a ride from them all the way home. It's just so not correct.
Aiyah, duno la, just find it very weird. Not supposed to be this way.
Had gamelan today, anyway. Played the gongs. My fingers were quite tired.... Coz the mallet is very heavy, and off balance. Sheesh. But it was interesting. First time playing gongs. I'd very much prefer instruments not playing the main melody. Funner, more challenge, haha.
it's 10:37 PM now on Friday, September 12, 2008

My babies
There are caterpillars in the butterfly garden!!!
Yay! Jun Yup gave me one caterpillar two days ago (Our caterpillar ^^) and I named it Chonchon. Its really cute and really tame, though I don't go touching it. It eats and poops and sleep alot, and then yesterday it stopped eating and got stuck onto one corner of its house. Then today, it molted, and turned green! Fat, juicy, and green! Hahas. Chonchon rocks.
Then we found 4 more caterpillars. Didn't name them yet coz i can't tell them apart. But for now, their names are Uon, Tiuu, Chiree, and Fwo. Lol, sorry, just some fancy spelling for One Two Three and Four. Lol.
They're really big, and two of them are exceptionally large. Their poop are much larger, and they eat much more.
Today got a insect box from Yap korkor, coz he saw the caterpillars. He tried to make the tentacles come out, but he failed, lol. >_<
The only problem is... How to clear the poop from the box.
I went to find some twigs just now and collect the juicy kids. But one of them were too close to the base of the leaf, so when the leaf moved, it shot out its tentacles, and the place STANK. It really stinks!!! >_<
And the other one, it was stuck to the trunk, so couldn't get it. Too bad, dun get eaten by birds ya.
Today's presentation was weird. It felt horrible. And disgusting. Crapp.... Chiong leh. JIA YOU asparagus, grow grow grow!!!!!!!!!! Pls pls...
it's 7:34 PM now on Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What defines me
Just an emotion. That is what defines me.
What determines me.
Liked, only when I'm happy.
Disliked, when I'm sad, depressed, or upset.
Detested, when I'm angry.
I honestly couldn't find a worse way to define me as.
I am a human, damn it.
I have feelings, feelings that change.
For goodness sake.
Am I supposed to feel happy that I have no shoulder to cry on?
Am I supposed to feel happy that I am blamed for every single shit?
Am I supposed to feel happy that I care for you when you're troubled, yet you dislike me when I'm troubled?
Is that what I am to you?
Just an emotion?
I'm a person, damn it.
I desire care like any human does, especially when I am down.
I hate abandonment like any human does.
I feel lonely. I am scared.
And so I feel unhappy.
Is that abnormal?
What's more, you don't even bother to care when I'm troubled.
Don't even want to understand how I feel.
Everytime I tell you about what I feel,
all you know how to say is that I AM HURTING YOU.
What about you? Are you hurting me through your actions?
Do I not deserve any care, any concern?
Everytime, I cry to myself. Comfort myself when I'm down.
Yet you. You still say that I'm hurting you.
I gave you a hug. You pushed me away.
If I was being aggressive, then what about the things you say to me,
the things you do to me,
whenever you feel angry?
You ask me to go away. Block me from msn.
Blame it on me.
Insist I'm hurting you. Call me names. Insult me. Look down on me.
it's 10:40 PM now on Monday, September 8, 2008

Part 3
June rested her head on her arms as she crouched over the table.
"Isaac, where are you... I need you..." June whispered into the dark as she tried to hold back her tears. A single teardrop slid down her eye to her cheeks, then followed by another on the other side of her face.
She rubbed her cheeks against her sleeves and gave a small sniffle. What's the use of crying, Isaac won't know, it just means I'm weak, she thought to herself. Biting her lower lip, she tried to hold back her tears once again.
She tried. And as every second passed, a fire seemed to be radiating pains all over her body. Two beads of tears formed on her lower eyelid. "No.... No.... No, June. Don't cry, please don't..." June stuttered as the pain drove through every single muscle fiber.
Alas, she couldn't take it anymore. Her muscles released the huge tension they were once maintaining, and June started sobbing uncontrollably. Reaching down into her pocket to retrieve her handkerchief, she wiped her tears on her sleeve. Her own sleeve.
At this moment, Harriet walked past. Seeing her friend crying, she couldn't help but approach her. It was rare of June to cry, she always seemed so strong. "June." Harriet placed her hand on her arm. "It's alright."
"Hawwiet.... Ish nawt...." June reply was muffled as she spoke with her face buried in the 'cave' formed by her arms. Lifting her head slightly, she repeated, "It's not, Harriet... It's not alright..."
"Everything will be fine, alright? Just like the sun always shines after a storm..." Harriet replied.
"But right now... I don't feel my sun," June replied, wiping her tears.
Harriet patted June's shoulder soothingly, "You need some time alone, girl?"
June nodded and went back to resting her head on her arms as Harriet prepared to leave.
"Thanks, Harriet. I'm waiting for him," June replied.
Nodding her head, Harriet took her leave.
Everything will be fine, June, believe in it, Harriet thought to herself. Her heart ached for her friend.
it's 11:16 PM now on Sunday, September 7, 2008

Part 2 of random story story
"What do you want for you birthday, June?" Harold asked.
"Nothing really buyable...." June replied half-heartedly.
Turning her head slightly, she cringed as she caught a glance of Rachel and her group of friends.
"I'll just go up to class first, k?" June said as she quickly finished her drink.
"Err.... Why? There's still 15 minutes..." Harold asked.
"I don't really have anything else to do here..." June replied as she walked away to return her cup. Harold, being confused, looked around hoping to find the source for June's uneasiness.
A few tables away, a group of girls stood up. Harold turned to look at them, and noticed Rachel among the group of girls. "Oh," he mumbled to himself, "I see."
Just as the group left, June returned, picked up her bag and said goodbye to Harold.
"June?" Harold managed to give his friend one last advice before she walks away, "Don't worry."
"Yea, thanks Harold. Catch ya later." June turned and made her way to class.
Soon as she exited through the lift, she caught sight of Rachel's clique. Damn, she thought to herself, just my luck. June bent her head as she rushed towards her classroom, avoiding notice from the clique. Sitting down at her usual seat, she laid her bag down and sighed. Unable to take it anymore, she crossed her arms on the table and laid her head down.
"Why..." She whispered to herself, "Why..."
it's 5:47 PM now on

Random story story
"Hey, you there?" June asked into the phone.
"Oh, hi, yea. You be here soon?" Isaac replied.
"Mm, yep. Where ya wanna go first?"
"Umm.... Hold on, I umm... Gotta go first, I'll meet you later..."
"Hey, wha..."
"Bye, see you." And there was a dead tone.
But I haven't finished my sentence... June thought to herself.
Sighing to herself, she walked to the doors of the train as she prepared to alight at the next stop.
She arrived at her destination in a few minutes, and walked out of the platform through the gates. Turning her head from left to right, she tried to locate Isaac. "Not here," She mumbled to herself as she pulled out her cellphone and texted, "I'm here. Where are you?" and sent it to Isaac.
In a few seconds, she saw Isaac walking towards her. June smiled and gave a wave. Isaac mumbled "hi", then told her to wait a moment as he ran past her.
Turning around, she saw who Isaac was running towards. "Isaac..." She mumbled to herself once again, standing rooted to the ground. She looked at her feet, not wanting to lift her head.
"Ah, Rachel was around so I figured I should go look for her and say hi," Isaac said as he made his was back to June.
Lifting her head slightly, June mumbled, "Oh. Rachel."
"Yea, Rachel," Isaac replied as he smiled, "Let's go now."
"Kay," June replied as she walked beside Isaac.
Just my luck, Rachel had to appear all the time, even when I wanted to be rid of her just for today, just for this day, June thought to herself.
A sudden numbness formed on her chest as she tried to forget about Rachel.
At this moment, a certain memory flew past her mind. A hand on her shoulder, a voice resounded, "June, hang on in there. Everything is going to be fine."
She looked at the world around her. Yep, everything is going to be fine, she thought to herself.
Smiling to Isaac, June made a promise to herself: Today is going to be a fun day, a happy one.
it's 12:16 PM now on

I'm back
I had my birthday dinner yesterday! It's at Sakura again, and it was really cool coz it was buffet! Two levels of buffet! I ate alot, and honestly, I love the stir-fried vegetables and mushrooms.
Went to watch Wall.e before the dinner, with Jun Yup. While I was meeting him, I must be so SUAY to see that person. WTS... Why must I be so suay all the time.... Can't even stay out of my life for just ONE day. Plus, Yup has to keep talking about her at least once everyday. What the hell.
Oh, and we took neoprints. Our first neoprint together!
Wall.e was quite a cute movie, but Yup kept insisting it's a shallow movie. But oh come on, it was easy to understand! And there wasn't all those fighting stuff. Bought medium pepsi and medium popcorn, and for the first time, we finished the popcorn. Haha!
Today was quite boring, it was an entire day of homework. No shit.
it's 9:21 PM now on Thursday, September 4, 2008