I like my job, and I don't like it at the same time.
The work itself is interesting and educational.
I love one of the doctors there, Dr. Nanthini.
I don't really like the seniors.
I don't like the working schedule.
I was made to work from 2 to 11pm on a Sunday.
And I don't have much free time anymore.
Even my parents are getting annoyed with the working on weekends.
I was actually looking for a job that only last through weekdays.
So I'm going to hold for another month, and after that if they want me to work on weekends I'll probably leave. And I hope the people there don't stalk me.
Well, right now I still don't have anything that can put a smile on my face without fail.
So if in the case someone makes me want to cry, I don't know what to think about to distract myself. ):
I am SO out of luck. Still waiting for my lucky star to come to me.
it's 10:48 PM now on Thursday, January 28, 2010

This happened on Tuesday
I worked overtime at work today as a clinical assistant. I was supposed to go home at 1pm, and was kept back till after 3.30pm.
During those 2.5 hours, I did these things all by myself:
- Queue returning patients.
(I had to register their names, then look for their patient card in the mountainloads of cards there is. And then if stamp and write the date and time.)
- Register new patients
(I had to get their IC and contact number, type everything in the computer, print tags, get a new card and write info into the card, then stamp the date and time)
- Collect the patient cards of patients who the doctor has seen, place MC for signing, collect signed MCs.
- Typing the names of medications prescribed into the computer. Do note the doctors do not have the best handwriting. In fact, they're almost illegible. Almost.
- Prepare the medicines for each patient. Packed, labelled, and instructed.
- Collect payment
My senior, was busy talking to patients about some other stuff, if not she's just keying in information for insurance claims.
There were only two people at the counter: Senior, and Me.
It's amazing that I can do so much. I've been there a day short of a week, and am able to do tasks at the level of 'new' staff that joined the clinic before me. At times, I can do more procedures than they can.
I was made to work from 2pm to 11pm on Sunday. A last minute call. At 1.40pm.
She wanted me to work the same on the coming Sunday.
I told her I can't.
Now she wants me to work on Saturday at the same time.
She called her HR person, and I overheard her saying that I was covering for her.
After 2 more staff came in, she let me go.
Then she called the newbies (my friend, and I), for a little meeting thing.
And she was obviously trying to hint at how inefficient and not up-to-par today.
Which made me pissed inside, obviously. Because I was working my ass off after my shift, and I had to handle everything! While she either talks to patients or keys in insurance claims.
Being a newbie, less than a week old, she expects me to do everything like drinking water?
I skipped my freaking lunch because of it!
Not only did she not say that I worked hard, she had to hint that I was inefficient.
Now she's giving us two weeks to learn everything about the medicines in the clinic.
When I wanted to cry, I tried thinking about the person I like.
It made me want to cry more.
it's 10:47 PM now on

I'm back to blogging here, been so long since the last post?
Looking for a job now, and I am really pissed with the world right now for the ignorance. Sometimes.
Primary 6 gathering was quite fun. I'm pretty glad they don't see me as the can-bully-person anymore, like I used to be. I think most of them don't know that my primary school days were a nightmare. But now that it's over, I guess as adults now we will learn to respect each other more.
I keep telling myself that it's okay that he's left. Not say left, left... But not in the same channel anymore now that he's in NS. Sometimes, it's okay when I don't think about him too much, and I want to let it go. But when I start thinking about him, it's like a part of me don't want to let it go.
What the shit lahs.
Can't things be as easy as let's just take the opportunity and see where it goes?
Urgh. Feel so awful right now. And so alone.
But yes Gel, I know you're there.
It's just I don't know what to do.
I let myself waste a year of my life, even when I knew I was wasting it.
And I wasted the 18th year of my life...
Supposedly the year where everyone is supposed to live it up!
But then again, I already tried my best in not wasting that year.
Compared to my other peers, I don't have national exams... Why am I not living it up!
And no matter what I did, I reflected, was supposed to give me at least something.
I ended up with nothing.
I love being in NUS High School.
But I'm happy I graduated too.
I just don't want to waste the year.
Life sucks.
it's 8:33 PM now on Sunday, January 10, 2010

I got myself an Xbox game a few days ago, The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragons
I was introduced to cute little Spyro when I was a primary school kid, when my friend was playing it on her Gameboy Advance. It was amazing what a little purple dragon could do in the game, fly, breathe fire, and stuff like that.
But a Gameboy Advance can only bring Spyro that far. On the little screen he was just some pixels and a jagged one.
But what if you put Spyro on a big TV screen? Awesome.
He isn't the pixelated little purple dragon, but a shiny one! And his fire feels like it really burns.
The only thing about TV Spyro is that he still has that shocked eyes.
Makes him look a little cartoonish.
Anyway I've been reading Sherrilyn Kenyon's 'Dance With the Devil'.
It's a book about a Dark Hunter called Zarek.
And he's such a lucky person even though his earlier life sucked worse than hell.
Good people deserve good things I guess...
Sometimes bad people do too, if they have a heart to care for people.
I found a gallery of fanart on deviantart for the Dark Hunters.
Zarek looks really handsome.
Oh, and Starhub should stop advertising iPhone. It makes me sad.
In any case, Theo's going NS tmr. I'll miss you.///
it's 11:36 PM now on Sunday, January 3, 2010

Life is... unfair
Shall repeat this on my blog (I don't know if I have ever typed this on my blog):
Living in an unfair world doesn't give you the right to be unfair towards others.
This is the only quote that received two good reviews on facebook, and the others never got that many likes.
I guess that is because people feel that life is really unfair and would do anything to tell the world to stop doing that to them. But to do that, everyone has to cooperate and be fair towards others.
My life is also filled with unfairness.
How we all work so hard for something yet never got what we were promised.
How we all loved, but were never loved back.
How we all shared, but were never shared with.
How we were all heard, but never listened to.
A heart can only be shattered that many times.
But then again, it also heals.
If there is enough time.
I find it funny why people who get second place in stuff, always remain second place.
I think that it's bad luck.
It's been more than a year since I last heard 'I love you' in real life.
I only just realised.
The wells of tears have dried up, for they have nowhere to belong.
The beating heart has stopped, for they have no reason to go on.
The mouth that has stopped smiling, for they have nothing to warm.
Those eyes that have closed, so that they do not have to see the sorry state the world is in.
I'm disappointed.
it's 11:19 PM now on Saturday, January 2, 2010