I am making a guide for you Singaporeans about visiting a GP here, because some people just annoy me at work, and making things difficult for us. By us, I mean, us clinical assistants. And you, being the patient.
The clinical assistant (a.k.a "Missy" or "nurse" at the clinic)A clinical assistant is basically the staff in the clinic that isn't the doctor. What they do is to prepare your prescribed medication, and instruct you on the usage. They also do all sorts of things like register you in the queue, organize the clinic (both stocks and people), assist doctors in procedures, and arranging any referrals. Of course, it is almost impossible for me to list all the duties, but you get what I mean.
They are part-customer service, part-professionals.
The patient (a.k.a people wanting to consult the doctor)The word 'patient' is to be strictly used as a noun here. It is false to assume that all patients are patient. In fact, most of them are impatient. So you, the patient, is the person who wants to consult the doctor, get your medication, so that you can get well. You are responsible for waiting in the queue for your turn, and take your medication on time, and... Oh, to pay for services.
In the clinic, you are part-customer, part-person-who-needs-to-listen.
The doctorThe doctor here is the superstar of the clinic. Without them, a clinic would not be called a clinic. They are responsible for diagnosing your illnesses and prescribing the correct medication and dosage.
1. What you needYour IC/birth cert/any form of ID, insurance card (if any), and money.
But even so, that is just the bare necessities. To NOT be considered an asshole, you will need PATIENCE, AND GRACIOUSNESS.
2. What to doFirst, you approach the counter, and kindly ask for attention if the clinical asst. does not notice you. If you see them explaning medication to another patient, bring out your patience and use it until the clinical asst. has finished and the said patient has left.
Then, after getting their attention, inform them if it is your first visit to the clinic.
If it is your first time, produce your ID, and once again, use a little patience while she creates a new patient record for you. Inform them of any drug allergies.
If you have been to that clinic, inform them of your name and/or ID. Better still, show them your patient appt. card or IC.
Inform them if you have any doctor preferences. Inform them if you feel it is en emergency (breathlessness, open bleeding wound, very high fever), but it will all be up to the doctor's discretion.
After that is done, make sure you get a queue number, if not remind the clinical asst.
Next, use your patience. Take a seat and wait for your queue. Please note that if the consultation for any patient before you is long, it is NOT the clinical asst's fault. Do NOT pester the clinical asst. by asking them why the consult is long. They will not know, and they CANNOT do anything about it. In fact, pestering the clinical asst.s delays dispensing of medications for others. Just sit back, and wait.
If your queue number is skipped, kindly inform the clinical asst. Once again, it is not the clinical asst's fault, reason being the DOCTOR is the one calling the numbers, not the asst. The clinical asst will inform the doctor. That being said, please do NOT enter the doctor's room yet if someone else's number was skipped to your number. Use your graciousness now, and inform the asst.
When your number is being called, enter the doctor's room. Be concise, but accurate with your information. Inform the doctor of any drug allergies, request additional medication if necessary, and ask for an MC if needed (and what type of MC). Listen to what the doctor has to say about your medication. Thank the doctor after you are finished with your consult.
After your consultation, take a seat and wait PATIENTLY for your medication. I shall explain what happens after your consult, while you wait. The clinical asst will receive your consultation notes, either in hardcopy or soft copy. They then have to type into the system all of your medication and dosage. After which, printing your MC, preparing your medication, studying your note, before calling your name to dispense your medication to you. Furthermore, the doctor has to hand-sign your MC. So please be patient.
After your medication is prepared, your name will be called. Approach your clinical asst and listen carefully to the instructions. Ask if there is anything you are unsure of. Check your MC when the clinical asst hands it to you, and make the necessary payments. Ask for a receipt if necessary.
Thank your clinical asst, and leave the clinic. Remember to take your medicines.
3. Deviation from above stepsIn the case you miss any of the steps above, please refer below.
P.S. There is no such thing as you forgot your patience. Just make it.
I forgot my ID!For new registration, write down your name, DOB, IC number, address and contact number, and any drug allergies. For repeat visitors, a name or IC number will suffice.
Shit! I missed my number!Just inform the clinical asst. and wait patiently for your number to be called, probably after the next or another patient.
I forgot to tell the doctor about something or I need MC/this medication!If there is anything you forgot to inform the doctor about, please inform the clinical asst politely while she arranges for you to re-enter the doctor's room.
If you need additional medication or an MC, too bad. Wait until the clinical asst calls you for your medication, and inform them of your additional stuffs. You then have to wait again while the doctor approves of your additional medication and dosage/MC. There is no choice.
I think there is something wrong with this medication...Clarify with the clinical assistant! There are times where doctor's words are undecipherable/written wrongly/typed wrongly, so clarify! You then need to wait for the necessary ammendments to be made.
I think there is a medication missing...Again, clarify. (Also see forgetting to tell the doctor... medication.)
4. ExceptionsExtending MCExtending MC can only be done if there is no gap in between the day of your previous MC and the day of extended MC required. The clinic will also be unable to issue an MC for days before the current date.
Buying medicines OTCThe clinical asst will inform the doctor for you. After which it will be subjected to approval by the doctor on duty. There is nothing we can do if the doctor refuses to approve of OTC medication. Please wait patiently.
Taking a queue number over the phoneNO WAY. Don't even think about it.
5. Final noteDo not blame the clinical assistant for every single mistake. They are human too, and they have emotions. Not all mistakes are the fault of the assistant. You need to have much patience and graciousness, especially when the queues get long. There is no way out of waiting.
You have to put yourselves in the shoes of other patients. They are all patients, and they are all entitled to the same quality of service as you do. So please be gracious.
At this point of time where I feel I'm losing everything, I should just stop worrying.
Stop worrying that my family will just become a word.
Stop worrying that I cannot reach my goals.
Stop worrying that I may be single for a very long time.
Stop worrying that nobody cares.
I should stop worrying, and try to find methods to make myself, my life, worth living.
So what if I cannot make my family as bonded as we were? I have given my best effort and tried. If it's making me sad, then it's not worth it. When Mum and Dad couldn't care less about me, then I have to. I have to be my guardian angel, and I have to be the one who cheers me up.
So what if I cannot reach my goals. Everything is still too early to be set, and I should believe that if I have already tried, fate will bring me where I must go. Right now, I need to be someone worth.
At this time when nobody cares, I have to.
What makes the world think that my smile is worth less than theirs?
In fact, my smile is as important as yours, yours and yours.
Like everyone else, I didn't have a choice whether to exist or not. But until our deaths, we cannot do anything about it. We've got to live with it, and live to the fullest at that.
When I'm sad, it's time for me to cheer myself up.
Not making any sense, but suddenly, I feel a tad better.
Screw the haters. I'm going to be me.
It's one of those days, where mum yells at me and dad just can't stop
talking about how he works so damn hard and I am just some person
sucking away all these hard earned money.
I say, eff this. I freaking hate it when he just lazes around the
house and thinks he can do whatever he wants and have his ladies like
his maids, all because he says that he works very hard. Mum works hard
too, and he with his shitman ego can't see that. Also, why the hell
does he complain all the time about me and his money?
I was so pissed, so I said:
"be a man and be responsible for your own kid. If you think you can't
support a kid, then dun have one in the first place."
God didn't put me here on this earth so you can complain about how I'm
a money sucking monster. Man up, dude. Stop blaming me for all your
lost 4D money or something. You were the one who put me on this place
I didn't want to be, so deal with it. Not like I'm enjoying it better
than being literally non-existant.
Hates it so much. Pif.. Not to mention it hurts my feelings everytime
you say I'm a leech.
I've been tolerating a lot of shit in life for a long time now... How gruelling my primary school life was, how lonely my secondary school was, how everytime I plan something and it fails, how when I do everything perfectly and fate just screws things up....
All these time, I've been tolerating. Standing my ground, and standing back up everytime I fall...
But no more, I give up. I seriously give up. I can't take it anymore how I never get what I want in life. I'm not talking about those toys and gadgets that I want. I'm talking about life, goals, and decisions. I never get what I plan/wish/pray/work for.
I fail at love and romance. Based on looks alone, I don't stand out. Most of my friends were online game buddies who don't see me physically. Then I ditched them all for my friends in high school. But now, I seem to have lost contact with a lot of them... As in, not talking much. Even the person that appears to be hearing is complaining about me.
I fail at planning my future. Because everytime I do, it just goes bust. Sometimes it's my fault, like today. But to look at it from a bird's eye view, this is not the first time I fail. Sometimes it ain't my fault. It seems like I have extremely bad luck.
Luck that I thought would be completely depleted of badness coz of my ill-fate in my earlier days. But no, it still carries on, and drags me to the deepest of the deepest depressions. I have no chance of being an NUS scholar anymore because I missed it's application period. Nobody mentioned this to me. My fault for not reading. but if God really wanted me to be a scholar, he would have sent someone to remind me.
It couldn't be God's fault, because I believe that God loves all of us. Even if everyone in the world didn't want me, God would still love me. Fate. Luck. What a joke. I think I would be fated to receive the world's worst luck ever. When things have a higher chance of going wrong, needless to say, it will be wrong.
But when the situation changes such that there is a higher chance of a good outcome, I would be the unlucky one that lands on the bad portion- even if the chance of having an undesirable outcome is 1% or 0.001%.
Today I got so angry. Some bitch at the clinic scolded all of us. She refuses to pay for her blood test coz the doctor quoted her "the wrong price", when actually there was to be GST and consultation above the test. That totally screwed up our day coz she caused a major jam, and every impatient in the clinic got pissed at us.
And my contact lenses aren't here yet.
And now, no financial aid, no scholarship. Just a stupid NUS freshman. Science.
Everything I wanted, gone. My peace, my schedule, my dreams.
I give up. Really. What is the point of me fighting so damn hard against fate? Fate is still going to win, and leave me more heartbroken than ever. What is hope? Just a silly little thing that gives you a fake ideal, a false reason to smile and be happy. What is mercy? Something you can never find on Earth.
I don't want to do this anymore. I can't be strong all the time. Not like this. Not when I don't have someone who is willing to fight for me. I can't do this anymore because I'm really tired of failure. Of being disappointed over and over again. Of smiling for all the wrong reasons.
Call me weak if you want, because I don't care anymore. All I wait for is the eternal life that awaits me at the end of it all, where there will be no more pain, no more sadness, no more disappointment. Most importantly, I will be with the one who truly loves me.
Haven't been updating here because I felt there wasn't anything very interesting to blog about... I mean, yes... I've been to Korea and back and I am really missing the place. But Gel's already done a good summary, and I have the pictures on Facebook.
I personally think I've changed a little so far. I've been dressing up a little more, and giving my appearance a little more attention. Except at work, anyway... There isn't really a need to doll up since sick people don't really care about make-up, and really.. Doesn't really matter there.
Also, I've rearranged my priorities for now. Wait, actually I have no idea what they are right now since they're all over the place. Work, I guess for now. And then enjoyment since there isn't really much time left to enjoy.
As for love, forget it. Non-existent right now. Won't even exist if I try really hard now also. Even though I've said to give up... I don't think I can do it fully right now coz it leaves me more lonely than I already am, lol. So, until I am able to write on the new pages of my life book, I will remain passive.
Umm... NUS Science, which my parents don't exactly feel the need to celebrate. (See, I told you.)
Went out to watch Dragons with ShuHui, Theo, Lux, Caleb, Ryan and Shawn. The guys talked NS throughout the whole outing. I loved the movie though. Nothing really much happened. But it sure was good getting to meet those people again.
Alright, report done for now. Seeyou peeps, and thanks so much for reading this.