What is it like to wait for someone, something, anything?
I am all too familiar with this, since I am always waiting. Aren't you?
Waiting for a better day to come...
Waiting for someone to come...
Waiting for something to be done...
Waiting for time to be up...
I don't know. But sometimes, it annoys me. It annoys me how I have to be waiting, while I could be slightly more productive.. And sometimes I just don't know how much people do wait for me... I guess, I do make people wait too... Sorry.
Today I thought of lots of stuff... Those questions that I never could answer.. Like why I was even existing in this world, or why the world was so unfair, or would the world be a better place without me...
[Note: While I was at that thought and mumbled to myself, my half-asleep bf replied with a yes, agreeing that the world would be a better place if I weren't around, Lol.]
Though, I don't blame him. Think about it, I'm eating up resources as I live! Which could be used for more significant people. Simply put, if the end of the world was here and there was a shuttle to save the most impt people, I won't ever be one of them. This is a 2012 movie reference.
I also hate it when people cheat, coz I believe that you reap what you sow. The effort you put in will definitely get you something. Yet, this cannot be 100% true now in this weird world. Coz people are too intelligent for their own good. Everyday, people are thinking about how to cheat the system.
Can't we just go back to the good old days where if you put in effort, you'll be rewarded as you deserve. Nowadays, the cheaters and scammers get more than what they should get. And that is just plain wrong because there are people out there who are doing things honestly like we all are supposed to be.
Then again, I'm just typing this coz I'm just so frustrated with botters. Yes, botters, the people who use autobots for games. More specifically, MouseHunt. And why am I frustrated? Coz someone I know is using it and I'm just really annoyed with it, though I don't make it that obvious. At least I try.
The only task you do in MH is to press the horn. Yes, like every 15 minutes, just 1 second of your time to press the darned horn. And people have to resort to autobots for that? What the? If you autobot it, you might as well not play the game. You see, you're not even playing it. Just quit, and you won't have to worry about pressing the horn. You don't have to force yourself to resorting to cheat methods, for what?
More cheeses and gold so that what? You can continue to bot.
Oh yes, I totally see the logic in this. Sarcasm alert.
I quote someone "It's just a silly game."
My reply would be "Yea, and you're botting a silly game. That makes you twice as silly as the game itself."
Can't stand it man, seriously.
Somehow I just don't know where I am, sometimes. Like, I look back at the past, I look at where I am now, and I really don't know what's beyond now.
Recently, just very recently, stumbled upon a friend's Facebook page. And like, he's been quite active on it, but never once spoke to me since he's back. And I find myself wondering... There are really some people out there who aren't true friends. And I don't know why, of all people, he would be like this coz he was once someone who was very worried that his friends do not like him.
Oh wells, I guess it's just something that is in the past and I should just move on. Still see him as a friend, perhaps. But I guess, friends are just that. True friends are those that last.
Okie. Now, let's talk about this week.
This week is sort of interesting, coz it's Valentine's Day, Leonard's Birthday, and 2Months, all in the same week! Isn't that exciting?
Okay, so I actually was so busy that I forgot to get something for Angela... Ooops. Sorry oneechan... Happy V'day kk? Thanks for your cupcake! <3>.<
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LEONARD!!! LOVES.And happy V'day to all~
Although, Leonard didn't have time to get me anything for Valentine's Day...Hmm..
): [Small small only]
I made him a card(s) for his birthday though! I should get him to take a picture of it! It was really cute and I think it's one of my best creations so far. Ever. Yep.
Hussein gave all the MCs some Chocolate Research Facility Chocolates, a note, a gel bottle, and a rose! (: Thanks Hussein~!! Though, I haven't tried the chocolate one yet. He probably got me the nut series coz he thinks that I'm nutty... Lol.
Had two tests this week! Plant physio and History... Though, I'm alright with the Plant Physio, and have a terrible feeling about history. Oh man... At least I studied. And I think I don't have tests after recess week. Yep. Phew.
I sorta want to go out and play for a little bit, but I really have no time.
Seeing how infrequently I update my blog now... ZZZZ... Sigh.
I hope, I get more rest during recess week. Wanna do a little more studying though.